I am back again. And I really want to start using this blog the right way.
Well first of all, because I need a place, where I can let go of all my stuff and maybe inspire some people out there. Secondly, I am currently trying to improve my writting skills.
But going back to my topic I wanted to write about. The past two or three weeks I was so tired. Tired of everything and everyone. I was so tired that it really annoyed me. I was stressed and a real bitch. AND I AM SORRY!
I am right now in my last year of high school and I really want to finish strong. One could me describe as ambitious, but ambitious does not equal good. I put everything in front, but forgot about myself. One day in my life looked some how like this:
6 AM Waking up, doing "7minworkout", eating something, going to the bathroom, dressing up
7 AM catching up the bus
7:15 AM Walking 3 kilometres to school
8 AM sitting and trying my best not to fall asleep
3 PM going back home, doing homework, playing piano, reading something
6 PM doing my workout
7 PM studying
10 PM realizing its quite late and preparing for the next day
11 PM trying to fall asleep
Quite busy, huh?
Yeah, as one can read its overwhelming. And everything seems to be really important, so that I cannot shut it down.
On Friday, I wrote my last exam and it was so relieving. But the freetime I've got, I just couldn't enjoy. We visited our family, and family is loud. Mine actually quite loud. I got headache, but a really, like reaaaally hard one.

It is important. I walked for actually 2 hours and 10 kilometres. Lovely! Especially if the wheather is quite right.
So guys, there are always a time where you feel down. But it gets better, trust me. And never forget about yourself. YOU are the most important human you should take care in the first place.
I did and I feel great. Today I just did nothing and it is ok! I enjoyed momentum.
Focusing on one's goal is great, but you should never take the focus off the beautiful things around you.
At the end, the small things count and the will be nothing more you could wish for!
Have a great week!
xoxo. ♥
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